Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Damn you, Moffat!

Steven Moffat is known for completely derailing any sense of sanity you once had before watching anything that he produces. He is best known for his work on Doctor Who and Sherlock. His show plots tend to involve transpiring events that make the viewer wonder what just happened. Moffat is likely the master of holding this type of suspense, and just when you think that you know everything, he throws another wrench into the mix that makes you question an entirely new set of circumstances. By the time the reveal happens, it is so out there that you probably never saw it coming even though you’ve had months to think it over.

I, for one, am no longer surprised by this and simply enjoy the ride. I honestly don’t know if those who shake their fist at Moffat are doing so in jest, or are genuinely upset at his storytelling techniques. The fact is that this is what television networks want from producers. They want fans of their shows to be left in the dark so that they will tune in each week. With so much predictability in other shows and movies these days, I find it a welcome escape.

What do you think? Do you love or hate Moffat? Sound off in the comments.


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