Monday, April 1, 2013

Why Blog?

Back when I was just starting my Internet adventures, blogs were all the rage. It seemed that everyone and their cat had a blog (literally), and that citizen journalism had arrived. Then something happened. 

Sure, there are still blogs around, but they don’t seem to have the same popularity that they once did from an everyday; at least from citizen perspective, and who could blame them? It’s much more convenient to micro-blog or post to any number of social networking sites. Who needs to write paragraph after paragraph detailing their daily lives anymore when they can just post an image or short blurb about what they are doing at any given moment? 

However, I for one think that there is still a need for such things. I wouldn’t have started this blog if I didn’t. If anything, I think that someone should hold the fort to at least keep this dying art alive. Does this make me an historian?

Am I the only one who misses the golden age of citizen journalism? Sound off in the comments.


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