Monday, April 1, 2013

Rule Breaking Technology

With businesses and lawmakers already raising concern about Google Glass, one has to wonder about the future of Glass and similar products. I know that I’m not the only one wondering about this as the Google Graveyard at Slate already has a plot for the device.

However, technology running counter to society’s rules is nothing new. In fact, it seems to be a recurring theme any time there is a new technology that can be “abused.” For instance, everyone knows about the mess that file sharing caused, but file sharing clients survived in one form or another and can be used in the best of intentions.

 The issue that some seem to have with Google Glass is that it will disrupt the privacy of individuals and expose business operations. These concerns are well founded, but this does not mean that we should instantly fear this new technology. Here’s the thing: I don’t believe that Google is looking to make Glass an instant hit. I believe that they are releasing this product as a test bed. This is nothing new for Google. Many of their products and services are released in a beta form way before we see a legitimate market contender from them.

I believe that Google Glass is meant to cause a disruption in order to pave the way for more polished devices. In my opinion, it’s not a matter of if the technology behind Google Glass will become a part of our daily lives, but when. This product will lead to a greater good.

What do you think? Sound off in the comments.


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