Monday, April 8, 2013

Is Television Dead?

When I was a kid, I probably watched too much television. It was just the only thing to do when I was growing up. I didn’t have Internet access until I was in Jr. High. It was either watch television, or ride my bike, and television was often more entertaining. However, during my college years, I found myself increasingly becoming disconnected from watching things on an actual television, and I was watching more and more content on my PC.

When I moved out of my parent’s home, I didn’t even bother ordering cable for my apartment. Not only was it not in my budget to do so, but I was plenty entertained by online entertainment offerings. My favorite channel was bought out and the hosts had moved to podcasting and online video. Every other cable channel that I enjoyed seemed to be turning into a rerun network. Not only that, but my college major was communications, and I was increasingly becoming aware of all the manipulation that the media was spewing out through the dated medium.

For myself, television is dead, but in the same way that radio is dead for many. Many still listen to FM and AM radio and the medium is obviously still profitable despite how ancient the technology is. I do not see television ever completely dieing out.

What do you think? Are you a cord cutter? Sound off in the comments?


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