Monday, April 1, 2013

Getting Fit With Technology? Not I

It seems that there has been a trend lately of fitness devices and apps. These technologies are meant to make it easier for health conscience individuals to keep track of their workouts. For instance, the Fitbit keeps track of the user’s steps. These devices usually set a goal for the wearer in addition to tracking the wearer’s progress.

However, it is ultimately up to the wearer to actually make process. This is why I wouldn’t find these devices particularly useful. I have always been under the ideology that if I am not motivated to do something under my own will, I am never going to make progress in that something. I’m not saying that creating a motivation for oneself won’t work for everyone, but I would much rather look up the information that I need to get the most of my exercise ahead of time and then just do it. My motivation is that I enjoy doing it because it makes me feel and look better. 

What do you think? Do you find devices and apps useful for keeping track of your exercise progress? Sound off in the comments.


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